I can't believe we are almost done with Genius Hour already! I think I speak for almost everyone when I say that its been hard to keep on task. I have been doing my best, but sometimes its just very hard to do so. This week I was in Bozeman for two days and that really threw me off. I didn't get to practice like I wanted to because I was gone and I had to work after school almost everyday.

I was at the HOSA convention this week and went to a nursing workshop that was really fun. We did some fun things with gait belts and hands only CPR. While these skills were not on my plan of things to learn, I'm glad I learned them and I know they will be helpful in the future. I also was able to meet one of the professors at the nursing college at MSU so it was great to meet on of my potential college professors.
I watched a few more videos to get some more tips, but at this point I think more practice will help me more. I have a book with my skills and I am able to follow the steps in the book so I don't forget any. I don't think I will be able to show you all of my skills and all the steps during my Ted Talk because it might take too long, but I will time it out and see what I can fit in.

I was at the HOSA convention this week and went to a nursing workshop that was really fun. We did some fun things with gait belts and hands only CPR. While these skills were not on my plan of things to learn, I'm glad I learned them and I know they will be helpful in the future. I also was able to meet one of the professors at the nursing college at MSU so it was great to meet on of my potential college professors.
I don't think I will deliver the simulation baby like I planned earlier just because it takes a lot of set up and I can't work out a time to do it when I'm not working. I am not too upset about this, because it was kind of something I planned to do if I had more time. I plan to start working on my Ted Talk and hope to have a great presentation for you all!
I'm really looking forward to your TED Talk! I read most of your blogs (I don't know if I read all) because I found them very interesting. I'm excited to see what you're going to talk about.