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Week 3- Progress is Being Made!

First of all, I want to tell you all how thankful I am that we had a four day weekend!  Thanks to this amazing, long weekend I was finally able to go out and take more pictures and videos.  I spent a couple of days getting the shots that I wanted, and I think they turned out pretty great! Since the weather was beautiful, I was able to take some nice landscape pictures and videos.

One thing I learned this week, was that the sun makes a big difference when you take a picture.  If you look at an object with a camera with the sun behind it, the object will appear very dark and unrecognizable.  I was able to take pictures at different angles and avoid this problem, but if need be, I can take the pictures at a different time of the day.

Moving objects are also hard to capture.  We moved cows this weekend, so I brought along my camera and tried to take some pictures of our cows and calves.  I had some luck, but I wish I was able to take some better pictures of them.  I believe if I had a better camera with a good lens and fast shutter speed, I would be able to take great pictures of things in motion, but for the time being, I am pretty happy with my pictures.

I am still struggling with the videos, mainly because I believe they all look very similar, just of different objects.  However, I have come to the conclusion that this is probably because most of my videos are of either buildings or landscape shots.  There are only so many ways to take a video of the countryside, but I will see if I can come up with anything different.

Overall, I am really happy with my current results, and I'm having a lot of fun trying new things.  I am beginning to get quite the collection of pictures and videos, and can't wait to show them all to you when I complete my documentary!


  1. Looks like you have been making considerable progress Amy! I love the way your pictures are turning out. I had never thought about the position of the sun when I take pictures before but I will have to think about that from now on! You mentioned something about a camera with faster shutter lenses, would it cost a lot to get one of those? I am excited to see how your documentary turns out!

  2. Your pictures are looking great! I am so excited to watch your documentary! What program will you be using to put all of these together? You might be able to watch some photography classes online for free and they might be able to help you improve in some of the areas where you are struggling. You are making great progress on this! Good job!


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