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Blog 2.0- Second Time Around!

Welcome back to my blog! This time around I decided to do something related to my future career, so I decided to learn some nursing skills and gain some medical terminology. Some of the skills I will be learning will include simple patient care, giving injections, starting an IV, and possibly delivering a baby. This will be done by using the medical simulations at Miles Community College. I will be learning the medical terminology by using books from the college and online resources. I will also be sitting in some of the college classes, so I hope to be able to learn more by being there.

Image result for nursingMy Shark Tank Pitch was kind of frustrating for me, because I was in a car headed back home from Denver and I had to make a slideshow on my phone. It wasn't too bad until I realized that the service in Wyoming was a little off and on for about two hours. Finally I was able to have enough service to finish my slideshow, I just couldn't add any pictures. When I got home that night I added the pictures and was relieved that I finally had one less thing to do to catch up with school. My presentation was cut a little short because we ran out of class time, but I was glad that I was able to show you guys what I was doing. 

Image result for nursing simulationPlanning out my Genius Hour was a little difficult for me because I have no idea how long everything will take me. I have reason to believe that once I learn one skill, I will be more comfortable with what I am doing and be able to catch on to the rest much faster. I also had a hard time planning because I had to meet up with my aunt who is helping me with my project, and being gone made that difficult for me. However, for the most part, I think I have a pretty good plan and can't wait to get started. It looks like I will be spending a lot of time at the college!


  1. I like how you picked a topic to lean that will help you out in the future when you go to school to become a nurse. This will probably help you out big time once you get to college and I'm interested in some of the skills you plan on learning. Anyways good luck with your genius hour!

  2. Have you taken anatomy and physiology? If you have, do you think that will make this process easier? Nursing is an incredibly noble profession and I think very well suited for you. I'm excited to see all that you learn and the progress you make!

    1. I am currently in A&P and I think it is very helpful. I have noticed many connections between chemistry and A&P with everything I have been learning.

  3. Sounds like an exciting project! I was wondering if you learn better through books or through simulations? I learn better through hands on experience as opposed to book work but it is different for everybody. It is incredible that you have such amazing resources so close by, I am sure you will take full advantage of them! Good luck on your genius hour.

    1. I also learn better from hands on. The majority of what I will be learning from books will be different aspects of nursing other than just the physical injections.


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