This was not a very productive week for me. I spent the week in Helena aiding for a representative, so I was so busy doing that and not necessarily my homework. I was, however, able to sit in on a bill about nursing in the Business and Labor hearing committee, and that was very interesting. Being gone for an entire week really got me off schedule and I wasn't able to accomplish all that I wanted to, but I hope to get back on track this next week.
I watched a few videos on injections and learned some handy techniques that I can use. There are many things a nurse can do to make the injection process easier, but I think it all depends on the nurse and what they are comfortable with. One video I watched showed an animation of the needle going through the different skin and muscle layers and I think that was very helpful to associate the types of injections and where they go.

I also was able to watch a simulation lab and see how those simulations work. The lab was fun to watch and I was able to make connections with where different injections go on the body and what type medicines are used for the different conditions and diseases. I also was able to observe basic patient care when you're in the hospital room with the patient. It was really fun to watch how a nurse solves problems and as the problems are solved and the simulation patient is getting better, you can actually see their vital signs improve. I plan to watch more simulations and learn more about this aspect of nursing.
I watched a few videos on injections and learned some handy techniques that I can use. There are many things a nurse can do to make the injection process easier, but I think it all depends on the nurse and what they are comfortable with. One video I watched showed an animation of the needle going through the different skin and muscle layers and I think that was very helpful to associate the types of injections and where they go.

I also was able to watch a simulation lab and see how those simulations work. The lab was fun to watch and I was able to make connections with where different injections go on the body and what type medicines are used for the different conditions and diseases. I also was able to observe basic patient care when you're in the hospital room with the patient. It was really fun to watch how a nurse solves problems and as the problems are solved and the simulation patient is getting better, you can actually see their vital signs improve. I plan to watch more simulations and learn more about this aspect of nursing.
I think that it is very cool that you were able to sit in on a nursing bill, since this is the field that you are going into. Not only are you able to hear about things, you're also able to watch other things. I think that will be a very good experience for you going forward!