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Week 1- Decisions and Planning

As some of you may know, making a decision is not my strong suit. I spent much of my time thinking about my Genius Hour project, trying to think of the best project for me.  I considered many things, including hand knitting, making a documentary, and up-cycling. Finally, after much consideration, I finally decided to make a documentary. This documentary will be about the history of Montana ranching and feature pictures and videos from my family's ranch. This was the perfect project for me as I have an interest in history and love to spend time on the ranch. 

Once I had a project idea, I was ready to start planning and working on my documentary. As I filled out the planning sheet, I was unsure as to how long each step would take to complete. I decided to give myself plenty of time, especially with taking all pictures and videos. I believe I should have plenty of time to finish the whole video and can't wait to dive right in!

To complete my documentary, I will be using a movie maker app on my laptop and my mom's nice Canon camera.  I have taken photography in 4-H in the past and feel pretty familiar with the camera, but I am a little concerned with the video app as I have never used it before. Still, I am really excited to learn how to use the app and make my own video.

When it was time to give my Shark Tank pitch I was somewhat confused as to what I was supposed to do. I decided to just stick with answering the four simple questions given to us. My presentation was somewhat short, but I was still able to thoroughly explain my project to the class. I am excited to share with everyone my progress and end results in the Ted Talk at the end of the project. I will continue to update my blogs with my progress, so make sure and check in every week!


  1. I like your idea for the documentary. It will be interesting to see your interpretation of the history of ranching. I'm interested to see how it will look when completed; it might inspire me to learn more about how my grandparents grew up. Do you plan to show little clips for part of what you've filmed for each week on your blog? Or will you just describe what you've done each week?

    1. I think I will do my best to post pictures and videos each week as I post my blog, and I will also be sure to describe everything I've done that week.

  2. This seems like a very good idea and I look forward to watching the video. My question is do you know what your video will be talking about and how long do you plan on making this film. I don't think people realize how much goes into making a film like these and i look forward to see how it goes.

  3. I look forward to seeing your end result, as well. I am sure you are already experimenting with the movie maker app, but if you aren't yet, don't wait until the last minute. It is a key component of your project, and you don't want to be scrambling and stressed at the end.


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